Holy Priest Stats and Scaling
Over the coming weeks, things will be updated for The War Within. A lot of this won't start until prog is over, so hold tight for now.
The following applies to a Holy Priest at level 70. Many of the stats scale differently at lower levels.
Primary Stats
- Intellect is our primary stat, and provides one "spellpower" per point of intellect
- Wearing all cloth will grant you an additional 5% Intellect
- Mana pool is 250,000. This can be increased by some abilities including:
- Expansive Mind - Gnome Racial
- Base Mana regeneration in combat is 10,000 mp5 or 2000 Mana per second.
- Base Mana regeneration with Englightenment is an additional 1000 mp5, or 200 Mana per second.
- This brings the total to 11,000 mp5 or 2,200 Mana per second.
- This amount does not increase with effects that increase the mana pool.
Secondary Stats
Looking for information on Stat Diminishing Returns (DR) and the Stat DR breakpoints? Right at the bottom of the page, below the important information.
Critical Strike
aka. Crit
- Holy Priest base Critical Strike is 5%.
- It requires 700 Critical Strike rating to increase Critical Strike by 1%.
- Critical Strike can be subject to Diminishing Returns
- Critical Strike has a chance equal to your Critical Strike percentage for spell to "crit", healing for double it's normal amount.
- Echo of Light is unable to crit.
- Holy Priest base Haste is 0%.
- It requires 660 Haste rating to increase Haste by 1%.
- Haste can be subject to Diminishing Returns
- Haste modifies the speed at which we cast spells.
- Haste also modifies the cooldown of some spells, including:
- Haste increases the healing done by most HoT spells, such as Renew and Divine Word: Sanctuary by increasing the number of ticks.
- HoTs do not have haste breakpoints, any "extra" haste outside of added ticks is added at the end of the HoT as a micro-tick.
aka. Vers
- It requires 780 Versatility rating to increase the Versatility by 1%.
- Versatility increases your damage and healing done.
- Versatility also reduces the damage you take by half of your Versatility amount.
- Versatility can be subject to Diminishing Returns
Mastery: Echo of Light aka. Echo, EoL
- Holy Priest base Mastery is 7.65%.
- It requires 732 Mastery rating to increase Mastery by 1%.
- Base Mastery rating per 1% is 700, this is modified for Holy Priest by 0.95625.
700 / 0.95625 = 7.65
. - Mastery can be subject to Diminishing Returns
- Base Mastery rating per 1% is 700, this is modified for Holy Priest by 0.95625.
- Echo is unable to Crit.
- Echo ticks every 2 seconds, regardless of being refreshed.
- Echo is not affected by Haste.
- Echo is not affected by healing increases including Versatility, Intellect (Spellpower) or healing buffs.
- Echo's amount is based entirely on the healing done by the spell that procced it.
- Can be procced by nearly all direct heals caused by the priest, including Traits, Trinkets and Enchants.
- Can not be procced by HoTs, this includes Renew.
- How Echo of Light works with only one spell triggering the effect on a target during its duration:
- Holy Priest healing spell heals the target for 100,000 (example value)
- Holy Priest has 40% mastery, so a 4-second buff is added to the target that will heal for 40,000
- The first heal is after 2 seconds, and it will heal for 50% of the total amount (20,000)
- The second heal is after another 2 seconds, and it will heal for the remaining amount (20,000)
- Echo buff expires from the target
- How Echo of Light works with multiple spells triggering the effect on a target during its duration:
- Holy Priest healing spell heals the target for 100,000 (example value)
- Holy Priest has 40% mastery, so a 4-second buff is added to the target that will heal for 40,000
- The first heal is after 2 seconds, and it will heal for half of the total amount (20,000)
- Holy Priest healing spell heals the target for 200,000 (example value)
- Holy Priest still has 40% mastery so the Echo of Light buff on the target is increased by 80,000
- The total Echo "pool" is now 100,000 (20,000 remaining from the first application + 80,000 from the second)
- The duration is extended with enough time for Echo to tick 3 times
- Each successive tick of Echo from now on will tick for 33% of the remaining amount of Echo on that target last time it was refreshed.
- Each successive proc of Echo on that target will simply keep increasing the healing pool amount and increasing the duration of the buff to accommodate 3 more ticks.
- The Glyph of Angels which applies the Glyph of Angels effect attaches to your Echo of Light passive, requiring level 11 to use it.
Tertiary Stats
- Holy priest base Leech is 0%.
- It requires 1020 Leech rating to increase Leech by 1%.
- Leech heals you for Leech% when you do damage or heal someone, with the following caveats:
- Self-healing does not cause leech.
- Overhealing does cause leech.
- Mastery: Echo fo Light does cause leech.
- Absorbs do not cause leech.
- Leech cannot Crit, it heals a flat amount based on what triggered it.
- Leech healing is not affected by Versatility or other healing increases such as Guardian Spirit .
- Leech healing that fully overheal do not generate combat events.
- It takes 544 Avoidance rating to increase Avoidance by 1%.
- Avoidance doesn't reduce all damage taken, just damage from "AOE" effects
- It takes 162.5 Speed rating to increase Speed by 1%.
Diminishing Returns
As of Shadowlands, secondary stats gained from flat stat rating effects are now subject to diminishing returns when certain levels of those stats are met.
The simple explanation is: After specific breakpoints, it takes more secondary stat to gain an additional 1% stat from gear.
The penalties kick in at certain stat percentage levels, and each penalty level only applies to the stats that make up that part of that specific percentage range. That means all the stats that contribute to the initial 0-30% of your specific secondary stat is untouched by any penalty.
Range | Penalty |
0 to 30% | None |
30% to 39% | 10% |
39% to 47% | 20% |
47% to 54% | 30% |
54% to 66% | 40% |
66%+ | 50% |
Mastery rating works slightly different to other stats. There is a "base" Mastery rating for all classes which has a value of 700 per 1% and is used to calculate the diminishing returns. Once the final rating amount is calculated after diminishing returns, Holy Priest has a modifier which instead gives us 1% Mastery for each 732 rating left over.
An example with numbers:
- It requires 660 Haste rating to gain 1% haste, for the first 30% Haste.
- 30% haste is 19,800 Haste rating. At this point you are getting full value for all 19,800 Haste rating.
- Now you gain another 10 haste from gear for a total of 19,810. This haste rating now falls into the 10% Penalty section, so you are in essence only gaining 9 haste (10% penalty on 10 rating leaves 9). Due to the penalty, you in essence have "lost" 1 haste rating to the DR penalty for having "too much" haste rating.
The breakpoints in rating are as follows (first 3 penalty bands):
Stat | No Penalty | 10% Penalty | 20% Penalty | 30% Penalty |
Critical Strike | 0-21,000 | 21,001-28,000 | 28,001-35,000 | 35,000+ |
Haste | 0-19,800 | 19,801-26,400 | 26,401-33,000 | 33,000+ |
Mastery | 0-21,000 | 21,001-28,000 | 28,001-35,000 | 35,000+ |
Versatility | 0-23,400 | 23,401-31,200 | 31,201-39,000 | 39,000+ |
The base 5% Critical Strike and 7.65% Mastery you get baseline as a Holy Priest does not count towards these breakpoints, it's just the rating from gear & effects. Likewise no other effects that increase a stat by X% count towards this, only effects that increase secondary stat rating.