Hero Trees
The War Within Updates are ongoing!
Over the coming weeks, things will be updated for The War Within. A lot of this won't start until prog is over, so hold tight for now.
This page contains details on Holy Priest Hero Trees, Oracle and Archon.
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This page is not a guide, see the Guides page for information on what Talents to choose and how to properly use them.
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As you can essentially just take one tree or the other, below is a rough comparison.
For Apotheosis:
- +10% to all healing during Apotheosis.
- (choice 1) Each Halo extends Apotheosis by 1 sec.
For Halo:
- (choice 1) +30% damage and healing.
- +10yd radius.
- +5 Halos per cast (2 out, 3 in).
- +2% healing received by you each hit for 8s, up to 5 stacks (10%).
For Surge of Light:
- Each Halo grants Surge of Light.
- Surge of Light Flash Heals +30% healing.
- Surge of Light Flash Heals -4s Holy Word: Sanctify cooldown.
For Power Infusion:
- Power Infusion +10% haste for yourself.
- (choice 2) Halo -5% move speed of enemies when hit, stacking to 25%.
- (choice 2) Psychic Scream casts again at the same spot after 4 sec.
- (choice 3) Power Word: Fortitude +5% more stamina for yourself.
- (choice 3) Spirit of Redemption +5 sec duration.
For Premonition:
- Premonitions cycle in order, with a 60-second cooldown.
- Premonition of Insight 7 sec reduced cooldown on 3 casts.
- Premonition of Piety 15 sec of +20% healing & 70% overheal re-distribution.
- Premonition of Solace next ST heal grants absorb & 15% DR for 15sec.
- Premonition of Clairvoyance grants all 3 above buffs.
- (choice 1) Premonitions makes next Heal or Prayer of Healing instant and cost -15% mana.
- (choice 2) +40% to Premonition effects.
- (choice 2) -15s to Premonition cooldown.
For Prayer of Mending:
- +25% healing.
- Power Word: Shield on each Prayer of Mending cast target.
- +2 stacks on a nearby target when cast.
For Other:
- Renew +25% healing.
- Guardian Spirit +2 sec duration.
- Smite, Holy Fire and Holy Nova +25% damage.
- (choice 1) Power Word: Life -3s cooldown and health threshold set to 50%.
- (choice 3) Flash Heal, Heal and Holy Word: Serenity +30% healing on self.
- (choice 3) Desperate Prayer +10s duration and Angelic Bulwark +15% absorb.
- (choice 4) Angelic Feather additional 10% movement speed. Allies using feathers also grant you the speed boost.
- (choice 4) Leap of Faith can be cast twice within 6 seconds.
Power Surge
- Works as described, nothing else of note yet. Timeline for your Halos (presuming Divine Halo):
Perfected Form
- Uses a whitelist that is stored against the Apotheosis spell. This list primarily just contains Holy Priest specific spells and won't amplify healing done by trinkets, enchants or cantrip items.
Resonant Energy
- Resonant Energy is the buff.
- Works as described, nothing else of note yet. Timeline for your Halos (presuming Divine Halo):
- 0.0 sec - 1 stack as first Halo goes out.
- 5.0 sec - 2 stacks as first Halo comes in.
- 5.0 sec - 3 stacks as second Halo goes out.
- 10.0 sec - 4 stacks as second Halo comes in.
- 10.0 sec - 5 stacks as third Halo goes out.
- 15.0 sec - 5 stacks refreshed as third Halo comes in.
- 23.0 sec - Resonant Energy expires.
Manifested Power
- Surge of Light is triggered when a Halo goes out. Timeline for Surge of Light procs:
Shock Pulse
- Triggers each time a Halo touches an enemy, increasing the stacks up to 5 and extending the duration back to 5 seconds.
Incessant Screams
- When you cast Psychic Scream, an image of yourself appears at that location casting Psychic Scream at that location 4 seconds later.
Word of Supremacy
- Power Word: Fortitude grants you 5% additional stamina. Word of Supremacy causes Power Word: Fortitude to instead give just you 10% additional stamina, and everyone else the base 5%.
Heightened Alteration
- Works as described, nothing else of note yet.
Empowered Surges
- Works as described, nothing else of note yet.
Energy Compression
- Works as described, nothing else of note yet.
Sustained Potency
- The buff gained when storing Apotheosis from Halo casts is Sustained Potency
- This buff has a 2 minute duration and a maximum of 6 stacks (1 second per stack).
- Bonus Apotheosis time stored will be added to your next Apotheosis cast or Answered Prayers proc.
- Going into then out of combat will not reset the 20-second duration pause timer.
Concentrated Infusion
- Causes Power Infusion either from your self-cast or from Twins of the Sun Priestess to grant an additional 30% haste instead of an additional 20% haste.
Energy Cycle
- Works as described, nothing else of note yet.
- See Serendipity for more details on amounts with buffs and talents.
Divine Halo
- Works as described... almost - it will frequently not heal or damage targets that are too close to you, besides that there is nothing else of note yet.
- Each time Premonition is cast, it cycles to the next premonition in the list, in this order:
- Comes with 2 charges, allowing you to cast the next two premonitions in the cycle/
- Premonition of Insight
- You have 20 seconds to use all 3 charges before it expires.
- Premonition of Piety
- Healing redistribution prefers injured allies.
- Healing redistribution is split evently between the 4 chosen targets. 100,000 overhealing will heal 4 players for 25,000 each.
- Healing redistribution does not include all healing as it uses a white list of spells. Some spells which do not trigger Piety:
- Some spells which you may not think would be redistributed, but actually do:
- Premonition of Solace
- The damage reduction only applies while the shield holds.
Preventive Measures
- Works as described, nothing else of note yet.
Preemptive Care
- As this increases the duration of Renew, and Renew healing is based on the duration, this increases the overall healing renew does.
Waste No Time
- The buff is Waste No Time, lasting for 20 secs.
- Can stack to 2 if Premonition is cast while the previous Waste No Time buff is already active, refreshing the duration back to 20 secs.
Miraculous Recovery
- Works as described, nothing else of note yet.
Assured Safety
- Only applies Power Word: Shield to the first target of your manually-casted Prayer of Mending.
- Does not apply to Prayer of Mending from other sources like Twinsight.
Divine Feathers
- Works as described, nothing else of note yet.
Save the Day
- Save the Day - buff
- Works as described, nothing else of note yet.
Foreseen Circumstances
- Works as described, nothing else of note yet.
Prophet's Will
- Works as described, nothing else of note yet.
Desperate Measures
- Works as described, nothing else of note yet.
- The Twinsight Prayer of Mending does benefit from Focused Mending.
- Does not change the duration of the Premonition buffs.
- Premonition of Insight
- Cooldown reduction is still only for the next 3 spells, but is 9.8 sec instead of 7 sec.
- Premonition of Piety
- Healing increase is 28% instead of 20%.
- Healing redistribution is 98% instead of 70%.
- Premonition of Solace
- Healing amount is increased by 40%.
- Damage reduction increased to 21% from 15%.
Perfect Vision
- Works as described, nothing else of note yet.
- Grants all 3 Premonition buffs all at once.
- Will give Premonition of Solace an extra stack if Solace is already active when Clairvoyance is used.