Holy Priest Baseline Spells
This page contains all of the baseline Holy Priest spells.
Over the coming weeks, things will be updated for The War Within. A lot of this won't start until prog is over, so hold tight for now.
This page is not a guide, see the Guides page for information on what Talents to choose and how to properly use them.
This page will be updated frequently prior to, and following the release of The War Within. See something missing, think something is wrong? Contact me on discord at Niphyr
or on the Warcraft Priests Discord.
Desperate Prayer
- Heals the casting Priest for 25% of their health prior to the health increase being applied.
- Can not Crit, does not scale with Vers.
- Triggers Echo of Light
- Increases the casting Priest's hitpoints by 25% for the entire duration.
Echo of Light
- Triggered by almost every possible direct heal, including effects from gear and enchants.
- Is not triggered by any Heal over Time healing.
- For how mastery works, see Mastery on the stats page.
- Fade does not trigger the GCD and can be activated between casts
- Fade reduces your threat to below 0 when cast, but does not remove you from the threat table
- Fade reduces the distances enemies will attack you by around 7-8 yards.
Flash Heal
Flash Heal aka FH, Flash
- Nothing of note to mention about FH.
- Can Crit, scales with Vers, Haste reduces cast time, triggers Mastery & Leech.
- See Trail of Light for the FH interactions.
- See Serendipity for the FH interactions with Holy Word: Serenity .
Focused Will
Focused Will (passive) aka FW
- FW stacks are only generated by direct melee attacks.
- FW stacks are not generated by most physical AoE attacks.
- Some AoE attacks are flagged as a kind of melee attack, and will trigger FW. These are fairly rare unfortunately.
- Gaining a stack of FW refreshes the duration back to 20-seconds.
- Nothing of note to mention about Heal.
- Can Crit, scales with Vers, Haste reduces cast time, triggers Mastery.
- See Trail of Light for the Heal interactions.
- See Serendipity for the FH interactions with Holy Word: Serenity .
Holy Fire
Holy Fire aka HF
- Replaces Mind Blast at level 12.
- HFs ticks scale with Haste like a normal DoT.
Holy Priest Spec Aura
Holy Priest Spec Aura (hidden)
Contains increases and reductions to the damage/healing some of our spells do
The Priest Spec Aura is also hidden.
- This contains the flags for some spells having hasted cooldowns.
Serendipity aka Holy Words, HW CDR
- Serendipity grants Cooldown Reduction to the relevant Holy Word when specific spells are cast.
- Cooldown reduction is granted only to Holy Word: Sanctify, Holy Word: Serenity and Holy Word: Chastise.
- Cooldown reduction increased by various talents:
- The Light of the Naaru talent increases all cooldown reduction gained by Serendipity by 10 or 20% depending on rank.
- The talent Voice of Harmony grants the Serendipity passive to additional spells 4 seconds depending on rank.
- Apotheosis when active further increases the Holy Word's cooldown reduction by 200%.
- Click here for the cooldown reduction by spell for Holy Word: Sanctify.
- Click here for the cooldown reduction by spell for Holy Word: Serenity.
- Click here for the cooldown reduction by spell for Holy Word: Chastise.
Holy Word: Serenity
Below is a breakdown of the cooldown reduction applied to Holy Word: Serenity from various sources.
CDR By Spell | Baseline | Apotheosis | Light of the Naaru Rank 1 | Light of the Naaru Rank 2 | Light of the Naaru Rank 1 + Apotheosis | Light of the Naaru Rank 2 + Apotheosis |
Flash Heal | 6 secs | 18 secs | 6.6 secs | 7.2 secs | 19.8 secs | 21.6 secs |
Heal | 6 secs | 18 secs | 6.6 secs | 7.2 secs | 19.8 secs | 21.6 secs |
Prayer of Mending** | 4 secs | 12 secs | 4.4 secs | 4.8 secs | 13.2 secs | 14.4 secs |
Power Word: Life** | 4 secs | 12 secs | 4.4 secs | 4.8 secs | 13.2 secs | 14.4 secs |
- ** With Voice of Harmony talented.
Holy Word: Sanctify
Below is a breakdown of the cooldown reduction applied to Holy Word: Sanctify from various sources.
CDR By Spell | Baseline | Apotheosis | Light of the Naaru Rank 1 | Light of the Naaru Rank 2 | Light of the Naaru Rank 1 + Apotheosis | Light of the Naaru Rank 2 + Apotheosis |
Prayer of Healing | 6 secs | 18 secs | 6.6 secs | 7.2 secs | 19.8 secs | 21.6 secs |
Renew | 2 secs | 6 secs | 2.2 secs | 2.4 secs | 6.6 secs | 7.2 secs |
Empowered Renew | 8 secs | 24 secs | 8.8 secs | 9.6 secs | 26.4 secs | 28.8 secs |
Halo** | 4 secs | 12 secs | 4.4 secs | 4.8 secs | 13.2 secs | 14.4 secs |
Divine Star** | 4 secs | 12 secs | 4.4 secs | 4.8 secs | 13.2 secs | 14.4 secs |
Flash Heal*** | 4 secs | 12 secs | 4.4 secs | 4.8 secs | 13.2 secs | 14.4 secs |
- ** With Voice of Harmony talented.
- *** When cast with the Surge of Light buff, and Empowered Surges talented.
Holy Word: Chastise
Below is a breakdown of the cooldown reduction applied to Holy Word: Chastise from various sources.
CDR By Spell | Baseline | Apotheosis | Light of the Naaru Rank 1 | Light of the Naaru Rank 2 | Light of the Naaru Rank 1 + Apotheosis | Light of the Naaru Rank 2 + Apotheosis |
Smite | 4 secs | 12 secs | 4.4 secs | 4.8 secs | 13.2 secs | 14.4 secs |
Holy Nova | 4 secs | 12 secs | 4.4 secs | 4.8 secs | 13.2 secs | 14.4 secs |
Holy Fire** | 4 secs | 12 secs | 4.4 secs | 4.8 secs | 13.2 secs | 14.4 secs |
- ** With Voice of Harmony talented.
- Levitate is cancelled when damage is taken.
- Levitate can be used to move over some specific ground effects without being affected (debuffs or taking damage), but most will still hit the levitated target.
- Levitate can not be cast on a target that is not in your party or raid.
Mass Resurrection
Mass Resurrection aka. Mass, Mass Res
- Mass Resurrection casts are cancelled if you enter combat during the cast
Mind Soothe
Mind Soothe aka. Soothe
- Can be cast on any Humanoid or Dragonkin, including bosses.
- Does not generate threat or put you in combat when cast.
- Combined with Fade , can be used to move very close to enemies without getting into combat with them.
Mind Vision
- Can be cast while already channelling Mind Vision on a new target, effectively letting you chain it infinitely. This lets you explore continents or raid/dungeon zones so long as you can target (or /target) new allies/enemies to cast the next Mind Vision on.
Power Word: Fortitude
- Nothing of note.
Power Word: Shield
Power Word: Shield aka. pw:s, shield
- Base cooldown of 7.5 which is hasted (reduced by haste).
- PW:S scales with intellect, critical strike and versatility
- Does not scale with the Holy Priest Spec Aura .
Prayer of Mending
Prayer of Mending (default talent) aka. PoM
- Is instant-cast.
- Cooldown is reduced by Haste.
- Stacks to a maximum of 10 stacks.
- This is increased to 12 stacks when talented into Prayers of the Virtuous
- When bouncing to or cast on a target with PoM already, it increases the stacks up to 10 (or 12) and refreshes the duration to 30 seconds.
- Does not collide with other Holy Priest's PoM, targets can have multiple PoM on them from different priests.
- Heals immediately after the target takes damage.
- Prefers bouncing to injured targets without PoM already.
- Can leave renew when talented into Benediction .
Psychic Scream
- Typically does not work on undead enemies, though some exceptions do occur.
Purify (magic only) aka. Dispel, Cleanse
- Removes all magic effects when cast on a friendly target.
- When talented into Improved Purify also removes diseases.
- Casting purify on a target that doesn’t dispel any magic or disease debuffs, does not cause Purify to go on cooldown, but still costs mana.
- Confusingly despite being called Purify, it is most commonly referred to as Dispel and sometimes even Dispel Magic (not to be confused with the Holy Priest spell Dispel Magic of the same name), or the Paladin magic dispel Cleanse.
Renew (default talent)
- The amount of Renew ticks are modified by haste. Haste doesn’t increase the duration of Renew, just increase the number of ticks inside its regular duration.
- Renew scales linearly with haste with no breakpoints, resulting in a micro-tick of Renew to account for additional haste outside of added Renew ticks.
- Due to an effect commonly referred to as Pandemic, if renew is refreshed with less than 3 seconds remaining, that time is added on to the regular 15 seconds.
- Refreshing renew with more than 3 seconds remaining will only increase the remaining duration of Renew to 18 seconds (15 base + 3 extra).
Resurrection aka. Res
- Resurrection casts are cancelled if you enter combat during the cast.
Shadow Word: Pain
Shadow Word: Pain aka. SW:P, Pain
- Nothing of note yet.
- See Serendipity for the Smite interactions with Holy Word: Chastise .
Spirit of Redemption
- Can't be cancelled with a
/cancelaura Spirit of Redemption
macro, instead use/cancelform Spirit of Redemption