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Version: 11.x

Patch 11.1.0 Holy Priest Changes


This page will be updated as info comes out and I get time, does not become a priority until post-launch, as PTR can change a lot.

Incomplete List

This is not a comprehensive list and may be missing some changes, for example, undocumented hotfixes, PvP changes or uninteresting bug fixes.

Patch 11.1.0 was released on February 25th, 2025.

Spell Changes

  • All healing reduced by 8%.

Priest Spells

  • No changes yet.

Holy Spells

Hero Spells

  • Divine Providence was removed and the effect of adding a second charge to Premonition has been baked into Premonition.
  • Twinsight replaces Divine Providence.
  • Preemptive Care now increases the duration of Renew by 25% (was 6 seconds).

The War Within Systems

Season 2 Tier

Season 2 brings with it 2-piece and 4-piece set bonuses. At time of writing, they are:

(2) Set Bonus: Your healing spells have a chance to apply Insurance! to their targets that heals them over 15 sec. Insurance! is consumed if an ally drops below 40% health to heal them.

(4) Set Bonus: Holy Word: Serenity and Holy Word: Sanctify apply Insurance! for 10 sec to one target while Apotheosis is active. Your healing is increased by 1% for each Insurance! active on allies.

The items that are a part of the bonus:

The following items are also able to be obtained using the Matrix Catalyst.

Notable hotfixes

No notable changes.


Below is a list of things that are suspected to be bugs or unintended behaviour.

Important bugs

  • Halo with Archon talents is exceptionally inconsistent with hitting targets as often as you would expect. While movement causes additional problems with targets registering, this also happens while all targets are stationary.
    • Often the return Halo will miss targets close to you, including yourself. See also this github issue.
    • Often targets near the max range of Halo will only be hit once.
  • Divine Star frequently will not have a returning star, even if standing still or on flat ground.

Likely a bug

  • Divine Star frequently only heals targets once, happening more often if they are near the 24-yard distance. Happens even when you and the target are stationary.
  • Apotheosis will set the duration of an existing Apotheosis buff (either from and Answered Prayers proc, or from a stored Sustained Potency) to 20 seconds rather than extending it.

Hopefully a bug

  • Divine Word: Sanctuary scales tick number with haste, but not tick size - creating minor haste breakpoints.
  • Rhapsody buff status/stacks aren't shown properly in combatlog.


Other Notes