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Version: 10.2.6

Priest Class Tree Talents

This page contains details on Priest Class Tree talents and how they work.

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Row 1


Renew aka "Don’t cast Renew"

  • The amount of Renew ticks is modified by haste. Haste doesn’t increase the duration of Renew, just increases the number of ticks inside its regular duration.
  • Renew scales linearly with haste with no breakpoints, resulting in a micro-tick of Renew to account for additional haste outside of added Renew ticks.
  • Due to an effect commonly referred to as Pandemic, if renew is refreshed with less than 3 seconds remaining, that time is added on to the regular 15 seconds.
  • Refreshing renew will "pandemic". This allows the duration of Renew to be increased depending on how much remains when refreshed. The new duration will be renew_duration + MIN(30%_renew_duration, existing_renew_remaining).

Dispel Magic

Dispel Magic aka Purge, Dispel

  • Commonly known as Purge. Often referred to as "Dispel" when referring to an enemy target.
  • Will cost mana regardless of actually removing an effect from the target or not.
  • Does not have a cooldown but only removes 1 Magic effect per cast on an enemy target.



  • Nothing of note.

Row 2

Prayer of Mending

Prayer of Mending aka. PoM

  • Is instant-cast.
  • Cooldown is reduced by Haste.
  • Stacks to a maximum of 10 stacks.
  • When bouncing to or cast on a target with PoM already, it increases the stacks up to 10 and refreshes the duration to 30 seconds.
  • Does not collide with other Holy Priest’s PoM, targets can have multiple PoM on them from different priests.
  • Heals immediately after the target takes damage.
  • Prefers bouncing to injured targets without PoM already.
  • Can leave renew when talented into Benediction.
  • Is left on targets hit by Holy Word: Salvation, but with only 2 stacks.

Improved Flash Heal

Improved Flash Heal

  • Nothing of note yet.

Improved Purify

Improved Purify

  • Adds the ability to remove diseases to Purify.

Psychic Voice

Psychic Voice

  • Nothing of note yet.

Petrifying Scream

Petrifying Scream

  • Nothing of note yet.

Shadow Word: Death

Shadow Word: Death aka. SW:D, Death

  • The backlash damage is reduced by damage reduction effects.

Row 3

Focused Mending

Focused Mending

Holy Nova

Holy Nova aka Nova, HN

  • Holy Nova scales linearly for up to 5 targets. For 6 or more, it then scales using the "1/sqrt" method.
    • The formula is: (1 / Sqrt(Max(5, number_of_targets))) / (1 / Sqrt(5))
  • Holy Nova will trigger a second time at 50% effectiveness (both healing and damage) if it damages at least 3 targets.

Protective Light

Protective Light

From Darkness Comes Light

From Darkness Comes Light

  • Nothing of note yet.

Angelic Feather

Angelic Feather aka Feather

  • Prefers the casting priest if cast underneath them, meaning if a group is stacked together then feather should still speed-boost the casting priest as a priority and not pick a target at random.
  • Can’t be used with macro conditions like @target, @focus, @mouseover and @targettarget.
  • Can be used with both the @cursor and @player macro conditions.
  • @player is most commonly used as it immediately applies the speed boost to the casting priest.
/cast [@player] Angelic Feather
  • @cursor can be used to directly cast it under the mouse cursor.
/cast [@cursor] Angelic Feather
  • Body and Soul and Feather do not stack.
  • Body and Soul and Angelic Feather are mutually exclusive. When you attempt to apply both to a target, the movement buff with the longest remaining duration is applied and the shorter duration is removed (or not applied if it was already shorter)



  • Nothing of note yet.

Death and Madness

Death and Madness

  • Nothing of note yet.

Row 4

Spell Warding

Spell Warding

  • Nothing of note yet.

Blessed Recovery

Blessed Recovery



Leap of Faith

Leap of Faith aka. Grip, Life Grip

  • Leap acts as described, "Leaping" the target through the air to your location. This means they will still hit some effects such as beams/walls when gripped through them, and avoid most effects that are on the ground such as fire or poison. Blizzard are super inconsistent with this though so be sure to test it out on a specific mechanic before relying on it as a life saver.
  • Leap will interrupt your targets current casts if they can't be cast while moving.
  • Leap can not be cast on a target that is not in your party or raid.
  • Evoker's Blessing of the Bronze which affects a movement enhancing ability for all classes, affects Leap of Faith.
  • Evoker's Time Spiral which affects a movement enhancing ability for all classes, affects Leap of Faith.

Shackle Undead

Shackle Undead

  • Nothing of note yet.

Sheer Terror

Sheer Terror

  • Nothing of note yet.

Void Tendrils

Void Tendrils

  • Nothing of note yet.

Mind Control

Mind Control

  • Nothing of note yet.

Dominant Mind

Dominant Mind

  • Nothing of note yet.

Row 5

Words of the Pious

Words of the Pious

Mass Dispel

Mass Dispel aka. MD, Mass

  • Mass Dispel is one of the few abilities in the game that can dispel a Paladin bubble and Mage ice block.
  • Mass Dispel on friendly targets behaves similar to Purify, dispelling all magical effects on up to 5 friendly targets. This only removes magical effects though, not diseases.
  • Mass Dispel on enemy targets can hit up to 5 targets, removing 1 magical buff from each target.
  • A popular macro for Mass Dispel to prevent the flickering of the targeting reticule, is:
/cast !Mass Dispel
  • In Patch 9.1, MD was hotfixed, as Mass Dispel was dispelling targets in a specific order based on the character's GUIDs. This mechanic paired with a weakaura was causing it to be used to predict where people had to stand for the knockback on the Remnant of Ner'zhul encounter in Sanctum of Domination.
  • This hotfix does not change how Mass Dispel functions in any meaningful way, and was done to prevent "gaming" of the dispel order functionality it previously had.

July 20, 2021: When Mass Dispel dispels multiple targets, the order of dispels is now random.

Move with Grace

Move with Grace

  • Nothing of note yet.

Power Infusion

Power Infusion aka. PI

  • Power Infusion does not trigger the GCD when cast.

Vampiric Embrace

Vampiric Embrace

  • Nothing of note yet.

Sanguine Teachings

Sanguine Teachings

  • Stacks additively with existing leech contributions.

Tithe Evasion

Tithe Evasion

  • Nothing of note yet.

Row 6



Mental Agility

Mental Agility

  • Nothing of note yet.

Body and Soul

Body and Soul aka B&S

  • Does not stack with Angelic Feather
  • Body and Soul and Angelic Feather are mutually exclusive. When you attempt to apply both to a target, the movement buff with the longest remaining duration is applied and the shorter duration is removed (or not applied if it was already shorter)

Twins of the Sun Priestess

Twins of the Sun Priestess

  • Nothing of note yet.

Void Shield

Void Shield

  • Nothing of note yet.



  • Nothing of note yet.



  • Nothing of note yet.

Row 7

Unwavering Will

Unwavering Will

  • Cast time reduction is multiplicative, e.g. cast_time * haste_multi * (1-0.05).

Twist of Fate

Twist of Fate

Throes of Pain

Throes of Pain

  • Nothing of note yet.

Row 8

Angel's Mercy

Angel's Mercy aka Mercy

  • Specific CDR provided for different damage amounts is unknown at this time.
  • It is confirmed through testing and logs that more damage taken does, however, result in more cooldown-reduction.

Binding Heals

Binding Heals

  • Procs Mastery
  • Flat percentage heal based on the spell that triggers it
  • Does not scale with vers, can't crit.
  • The heal effect is Binding Heal

Divine Star

Divine Star aka DS, Dstar, Divstar


Despite Divine Star being a fairly complicated spell mechanically, there is nothing that needs to be understood or done to get good value out of your casts. Divine Star healing "just works" and on average will do the proper healing you would expect... when it actually returns back to you.

  • Has a mind of its own in regards to when it will hit a pebble on the ground and return to you early.
  • If you move too far after your initial cast, Divstar will not return back to you.
  • Targets around 24 yards from you should be hit twice
  • Targets around 24-29 yards from you should be hit only once
  • Heals the first 6 targets for the full tooltip amount
    • Scales down from the 7th target onwards using a "square-root" scaling technique

Note: Prior to 9.1.5 the old scaling Divine Star used "basically" rounded the amount of healing down to the equivalent of 6 targets.

Blue post on AOE Capping for some healing spells



Healing Component

  • Caps at 20 targets
  • Will heal pets and guardians as part of the cap
  • Heals the first 6 targets for the full tooltip amount
    • Scales down from the 7th target onwards using a "square-root" scaling technique

Note: Prior to 9.1.5 the old scaling Halo used "basically" rounded the amount of healing down to the equivalent of 6 targets.

Blue post on AOE Capping for some healing spells

Translucent Image

Translucent Image

  • Nothing of note yet.



  • Nothing of note yet.

Row 9

Surge of Light

Surge of Light aka SoL, Surge

  • The buff it generates Surge of Light lasts for 20-seconds and can stack 2 times.
  • Any successive procs while at 2 stacks will refresh the timer to 20-seconds.
  • SoL proc does not make Flash Heal cast faster, it just moves the healing portion of a Flash Heal to the start of the GCD rather than the end (The cast speed of Flash Heal is the length of the GCD).
  • Flash Heals that consume SoL can also proc it again.
  • Surge has a flat 8% chance to proc, it is not on the RPPM system and has no badluck protection.
  • Surge can be triggered by casting the following spells. Healing events don't have a chance to trigger it. For example:
    • Casting Renew gives one chance to trigger, despite multiple healing ticks.
    • Casting Halo gives one chance to trigger, despite multiple healing events.
Circle of HealingSmite
Desperate PrayerFlash Heal
Divine HymnHeal
Divine StarPrayer of Healing
Holy Word: Sanctify
Holy Word: Serenity
Prayer of Mending

Light's Inspiration

Light's Inspiration

  • Heals for a percentage of your health after it's increased by Desperate Prayer
  • Does not proc mastery
  • Does not scale with vers
  • Does not scale with haste
  • Can not crit

Crystalline Reflection

Crystalline Reflection

  • Nothing of note yet.

Improved Fade

Improved Fade

  • Nothing of note yet.



  • Nothing of note yet.

Row 10

Power Word: Life

Power Word: Life

  • Can only be cast on targets under the health amount.
  • Procs mastery.
  • Scales with vers.
  • Can crit
  • Not a hasted cooldown.



  • Works off a whitelist, and does not increase all healing done.
    • All casted spells and procs from the talent tree are included at time of writing.
    • This mostly affects external sources of healing such as trinkets and enchants.

Angelic Bulwark

Angelic Bulwark

Void Shift

Void Shift

  • Nothing of note yet.

Essence Devourer

Essence Devourer

  • Nothing of note yet.

Shattered Perceptions

Shattered Perceptions

  • Nothing of note yet.