Holy Talents
This page contains details on Holy Priest talents and how they work.
This page is not a guide, see the Guides page for information on what Talents to choose and how to properly use them.
See something missing, think something is wrong? Contact me on discord at Niphyr#3419
or on the Warcraft Priests Discord.
Row 1
Holy Word: Serenity
- Cooldown reduced by the baseline Holy Words passive.
Row 2
Holy Word: Sanctify
Guardian Spirit
Guardian Spirit aka GS, Angel, Wings
- "Massive Damage amounts will kill the target despite this effect" – The threshold for this is 200% of the target’s maximum HP in overkill. This means if the target is at full HP they can take up to 300% of their maximum HP in damage before dying.
- This effect works by providing the target with a special absorb once their HP hits 1. This special absorb doesn’t absorb damage before the health pool like regular absorbs, instead absorbing damage once the health pool of the target has been reduced to 1.
- Example: Target has 10% HP left and takes a hit for 30% of their maximum HP. The first 10% of the incoming hit reduces HP to 1, and the remaining 20% of the incoming hit is absorbed by Guardian Spirit which then heals the target for 40% of their maximum HP.
- This heal is capped at 200% of the casting priests maximum health. This doesn’t affect normal usage and was introduced to prevent it from being abused on NPCs with high health pools.
- GS can only heal for a maximum of 200% of the casting Priest's maximum hitpoints
- The increased healing effect increases all incoming healing on the target, not just healing from the casting priest.
- Taking damage that causes the life-saving effect to proc causes Guardian Spirit to be removed from the target immediately, including the increased healing received buff it provides.
- See Guardian Angel for the GS interactions with GA.
Holy Word: Chastise
- The disorient debuff is 200196 (200196).
- It is not broken by:
- It is broken by most other damage, including:
Row 3
Prayer of Healing
Prayer of Healing aka. PoH
- Prayer of Healing hits only the target and their 4 closest allies. There is no smart healing that targets injured or most injured allies.

- You can click here to view Holy Words to see the PoH interactions with Holy Word: Sanctify
Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel aka GA
- Cooldown of Guardian Spirit is set to 60 seconds if Guardian Spirit expires on a target without the life-saving portion coming into effect.
- Multiple Guardian Spirit's on a target will not stack the healing increase.
Guardians of the Light
- Nothing of note.
- Talenting into Censure replaces the incapacitate effect that Holy Word: Chastise usually has with a stun.
- The stun shares stun DR with other stun effects.
Empyreal Blaze
- Resets the cooldown of Holy Fire when cast.
- When queued after Holy Fire, the previously cast Holy Fire will consume a charge.
Row 4
Circle of Healing
Circle of Healing aka CoH
- The cooldown of CoH is reduced by Haste.
- CoH is a smart heal. It heals the target and 4 injured allies within 30 yards.
- Credit to Chaoly for the following diagrams, they show that CoH will prefer injured allies anywhere within 30 yards of your target.

Revitalizing Prayers
- Renew procs are independent per target healed.
Sanctified Prayers
- Applies the Sanctified Prayers buff.
- Correctly applies the bonus healing to Prayer of Healing.
- Sanctified Prayers - Buff
Cosmic Ripple
Cosmic Ripple aka CR, Ripple
- Behaves like a smart heal, preferring injured health allies within 39.5 yards when triggered.
- Can Critical Strike.
- Triggers Echo of Light.
- Scales with Versatility.
- Increases the duration of Spirit of Redemption from 15 seconds to 22.5 seconds.
- Increases the range only of healing spells during Spirit of Redemption.
Renewed Faith
Renewed Faith aka. RF
- Only affects your own healing on targets affected by your own Renew.
Burning Vehemence
- Does not deal cleave damage if the target dies from the initial Holy Fire hit.
Row 5
Prayer Circle
Prayer Circle aka PC
- Currently nothing of note.
Healing Chorus
- Healing Chorus - Buff
- All ticks of Renew from any source grant a stack, even partial overhealing and ticks.
- The heal from Empowered Renew does not grant a stack.
Prayerful Litany
Trail of Light
Trail of Light aka ToL, Trail
- Heal amount of Trail is a percentage of Flash Heal or Heal, including when it critical strikes.
- Does not scale with healing increases itself, and it can not critical strike.
- The additional heal provided by Trail of Light is its own healing spell Trail of Light.
- Does proc Echo of Light.
- Always heals the previous target, it will not heal your Flash Heal target:
- Flash Heal Player A, ToL heals the previous target
- Flash Heal Player B, ToL heals Player A
- Flash Heal Player B again, ToL heals Player A again
Divine Hymn
Divine Hymn aka. Hymn, DH
- Hymn buff increases all healing received from all healers, not just the casting Priest.
- Hymn channel time is decreased with haste
- Hymn ticks 5 times, spaced evenly throughout the channel with the first tick happening immediately
- The Hymn buff that increases healing received stacks up every time it ticks
- Gaining a stack refreshes the duration back to 15-seconds
- This means the healing buff will last for 15-seconds after the last tick refreshes the buff
- Divine Hymn - Heal/Buff
Enlightenment aka. Enl
- Enlightenment at 70 adds 1000 mp5 or 200 Mana per second
- This brings the total base regen to 11,000 mp5 or 2,200 Mana per second
Benediction aka Bene
Renew placed by Benediction do not count as a cast, and therefore don’t generate cooldown reduction for Holy Word: Sanctify through Holy Words, or count as a cast on WCL.
Holy Mending
- Holy Mending (heal)
- Does not scale with Holy Priest Spec Aura (hidden)
Row 6
- Nothing of note.
Everlasting Light
- Behaves on a sliding scale from 0% to 100% mana, some examples below.
- 0% extra healing at 100% mana
- 7.5% extra healing at 50% mana
- 15% extra healing at 0% mana
Gales of Song
- Nothing of note.
Symbol of Hope
Symbol of Hope aka. SoH, Symbol
- Restores a percentage of missing mana only, not total mana
- Only affects friendly healers within 40 yards at the time of the cast
- SoH ticks 1-second after the channel begins, every 1-second until it ends (5 ticks total)
- Receiving the SoH benefit grants the Symbol of Hope
- Cast time is increased by haste, condensing the time between ticks
- Each tick returns 2% of missing mana (dynamically updates throughout the channel)
- Each tick reduces the cooldown of a specific defensive ability by 8 seconds.
- This is done by increasing the cooldown recovery rate by 800%
Symbol of Hope reduces the cooldown of the following abilities:
Spec | Ability | Spec | Ability |
Death Knight - All | Icebound Fortitude | Paladin - Protection | Ardent Defender |
Demon Hunter - Havoc | Blur | Paladin - Retribution | Divine Protection |
Demon Hunter - Vengeance | Fiery Brand | Priest - All | Desperate Prayer |
Druid - All | Barkskin | Rogue - All | Crimson Vial |
Hunter - All | Exhilaration | Shaman - All | Astral Shift |
Evoker - All | Obsidian Scales | Warlock - All | Unending Resolve |
Mage - All | Mirror Image | Warrior - Arms | Die by the Sword |
Monk - All | Fortifying Brew | Warrior - Fury | Enraged Regeneration |
Paladin - Holy | Divine Protection | Warrior - Protection | Shield Wall |
Divine Service
- Nothing of note.
Row 7
Crisis Management
- Nothing of note.
Prismatic Echoes
- Additional healing is multiplicative, not additive.
Prayers of the Virtuous
- Increases the maximum stack size of Prayer of Mending by 2 per point (maximum of 14).
- Does not add extra jumps to Prayer of Mending left by Holy Word: Salvation.
Row 8
- Pontifex - buff
- All stacks are consumed when casting either:
- Does not trigger from heals like Binding Heals or Trail of Light as they can not crit.
Apotheosis aka Apoth
- Casting Apoth triggers the GCD.
- Activating Apoth will immediately reset the cooldown on all 3 holy words:
- The Holy Word reset will trigger Cosmic Ripple if talented for each relevant Holy Word reset.
- Apoth increases all cooldown reduction gained by Holy Words by 200% (triple). See Holy Words for more details on amounts.
Holy Word: Salvation
- Gains benefits from buffs that increase Holy Word healing, such as Tier Set bonuses.
Empowered Renew
- Empowered Renew (heal)
- Renew from the following sources trigger Empowered Renew:
- Renew from the following sources do not trigger Empowered Renew:
- Scales with Vers (double dipping)
- Can Critical strike
- Triggers Mastery
- Scales with haste but not directly, just because it makes Renew bigger, which results in a larger Empowered Renew heal.
Rapid Recovery
- Renew from the following sources has its duration reduced, and healing increased:
- The short-duration Renews from Revitalizing Prayers gain the bonus healing but do not have a reduced duration.
Say Your Prayers
- Nothing of note.
Row 9
Resonant Words
- Triggers from all Holy Word casts.
Desperate Times
- Nothing of note.
Light of the Naaru
Light of the Naaru aka LotN
- For a complete list, see Holy Words .
Harmonious Apparatus
- Nothing of note.
- Triggers from all 4 Holy Words:
Answered Prayers
- Stacking buff is Answered Prayers
- Does not reset the cooldown of Holy Words when triggered.
Row 10
- Each Heal cast consumes a stack.
- The cast time reduction effect reduces the cast time by a multiplicative amount.
- Grants the Lightweaver buff for 20-seconds or until consumed.
- The heal over time buff is Lightwell (372847).
- Does not trigger Echo of Light.
- Attempts every second to put the HoT on a nearby target.
- Does not tick immediately. Ticks every 2 seconds, increased with Haste.
- No haste breakpoints, gains a micro-tick at the end with any remaining "healing" leftover, similar to Renew.
- Despawns if you move more than 100 yards away.
Divine Word
Divine Word: Sanctuary healing is a fixed amount regardless of the number of targets
Divine Word: Sanctuary can crit and is affected by vers. With 0 haste it ticks 15 times. The tick rate scales with haste. Does not scale with mastery
The Divine Word buff lasts 10-seconds.
The cooldown for Divine Word begins immediately after pressing it.
Divine Word: Sanctuary - Sanctuary cast
Divine Word: Sanctuary - Sanctuary heal
Divine Favor: Serenity - Serenity buff
Divine Favor: Chastise - Chastise buff
Divine Image
- Has a 100% chance to be triggered by all 4 holy words:
- You gain a buff Divine Image which has a stack count for the Naaru power level. The duration is how long the newest stack has until it expires.
- You can only have one Naaru out at once from Divine Image.
- Triggering Divine Image while you have an active Naaru out will cause your existing Naaru to move nearer to you if it is further than 15 yards away.
- Triggering Divine Image while you have an active Naaru out will cause you to gain an extra stack of Divine Image.
- The healing and damage amount done by the Naaru depends on the number of stacks of Divine Image you have at the time of the spell cast
- A stack only lasts for 9 seconds.
- Stacks are individual and do not refresh. If you gain a stack, then gain another stack 2 seconds later, you will have 7 seconds of 2 stacks, then 2 seconds at the end from the remaining stack.
- None of the healing or damage spells from Divine Image scale with the Holy Priest aura Holy Priest Spec Aura.
- None of the healing or damage spells have the 5% variance most other spells do.
- All damage and healing spells scale with Intellect (Their base coefficient is spellpower).
- All damage and healing spells scale with Versatility and can Critical Strike.
- None of the healing spells trigger Mastery Echo of Light.
There are 6 possible casts from Divine Image, each one happens when you cast the appropriate trigger spell.
Other notes about each of the Divine Image spells:
- Nothing of note.
- Prefers injured targets.
- Will heal pets.
- Only has a 15-yard radius (Looks like a copy/paste of the Legion smart heal version of PoH).
- Each tick of Divine Hymn will proc Dazzling Lights.
- Nothing of note.
- Only triggers if Holy Nova hits more than 1 target.
- Does not trigger from the secondary damage from rank 2 Holy Nova.
- Only trigger from Holy Nova damage (Holy Nova healing trigger nothing).
- Only triggers on the initial Prayer of Mending cast.
- Blessed Light heals off of the target the triggering Prayer of Mending cast was on.
- Scales with haste.
Miracle Worker
- Nothing of note.
- Archbishop Benedictus' Restitution - Debuff